Our Roadmap

2024 Q2 Goals

Product Launches & Integrations:

Full Release On BSC and ETH of FreedomForgeE ✔️: Successfully deploy and launch the complete FreedomForgeE platform on both the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum mainnets, ensuring smooth functionality and user experience.

Integrate SOL Chain: Initiate the technical integration process to enable compatibility with the Solana blockchain, opening up the ecosystem to a wider user base and expanding cross-chain capabilities.

Game Development & Infrastructure:

Develop Scripts ✔️: Finalize and thoroughly test all game scripts to guarantee seamless gameplay, engaging interactions, and a bug-free experience for AnXanVin.

Game Models ✔️: Complete the design and implementation of 3D models for characters, environments, and assets within AnXanVin, ensuring high-quality visuals and a cohesive art style.

Marketing & Community Building:

Create Whitepaper ✔️: Publish a comprehensive whitepaper detailing the vision, technology, tokenomics, and roadmap of the LFGains ecosystem, providing transparency and information to potential investors and users.

Audit Token ✔️: Conduct a thorough security audit of the $LFG and $AXV tokens to identify and address any vulnerabilities, instilling confidence in the project's security and long-term viability.

Audit Marketplace ✔️, Minting ✔️, NFT Staking ✔️, and Token Staking ✔️ Contracts: Ensure the full functionality and security of the marketplace, minting, and staking contracts on both BSC and ETH, paving the way for a seamless user experience.

Community Building Competitions and Giveaways: Organize engaging contests, giveaways, and events to foster community growth, incentivize participation, and generate excitement before the Pinksale IDO.

Blockchain Infrastructure:

Lay the Foundations of Our Blockchain ✔️: Begin research and development on the proprietary green EVM-compatible blockchain, outlining the core architecture, consensus mechanism, and energy-efficient design principles.

Add More Team Members: Actively recruit talented individuals with expertise in blockchain development, smart contract auditing, game design, and marketing to strengthen the team's capabilities and accelerate progress.

Pinksale IDO

2024 Q3 Goals

Game Development & Infrastructure:

Game Mechanics: Refine and finalize core game mechanics, including combat systems, character progression, skill trees, and resource management, to create a balanced and enjoyable gameplay loop.

Smart Contracts: Develop and audit secure smart contracts for NFT minting, staking, marketplace transactions, and token interactions, ensuring the integrity and safety of the ecosystem.

AnXanVin Alpha Edition: Exclusively for FreedomForgeE and AnXanVin Staking NFT holders (held or staked) for a limited time.

Marketing & Community Building:

Community Building Competitions and Giveaways: Organize engaging contests, giveaways, and events to foster community growth, incentivize participation, and generate excitement before the Pinksale IDO.

Blockchain Infrastructure:

Add More Team Members: Actively recruit talented individuals with expertise in blockchain development, smart contract auditing, game design, and marketing to strengthen the team's capabilities and accelerate progress.

Prioritize transitioning the LFGains testnet environment to a beta release stage.

1-3 Small CEX Listing

Continue Expansion in Other EVM blockchains, and integrate other Non-EVM Blockchains


2024 Q4 Goals

FreedomForgeE Marketplace Expansion:

Enhance the FreedomForgeE NFT Marketplace with expanded categories, including music, video, event tickets, and other unique digital assets, to attract a broader user base and increase platform engagement.

AnXanVin Open Beta Launch:

Release the AnXanVin beta to the public, allowing for wider testing and feedback to further refine the gameplay experience.

Public Testnet Deployment:

Deploy the LFGains testnet blockchain for public access, enabling community participation in testing and validation of the network's functionality.

Blockchain Infrastructure:

Add More Team Members: Actively recruit talented individuals with expertise in blockchain development, smart contract auditing, game design, and marketing to strengthen the team's capabilities and accelerate progress.

Continue Development of Mainnet and ensure the best safety and security practices with community feedback at crossroads to involve the community

1 Medium CEX Listing

Continue Expansion in Other EVM blockchains, and integrate other Non-EVM Blockchains


2025 Q1 Goals

AnXanVin Cross-Platform Launch

Release the highly anticipated AnXanVin on PC and mobile platforms (Android & iOS), providing a seamless gaming experience across devices and reaching a wider audience.

Web3 Gaming Integration:

Integrate AnXanVin with leading Web3 gaming platforms to enhance discoverability, expand the player base, and drive adoption of the LFGains ecosystem.

LFGains Mainnet Deployment:

Transition the LFGains blockchain from testnet to mainnet, marking a significant milestone in the project's development and offering enhanced scalability, security, and functionality.

Cross-Chain NFT/Token Bridges:

Establish NFT and token bridges between all currently supported chains (BSC, ETH, SOL), ensuring seamless asset transfer and interoperability within the LFGains ecosystem.

Unique Digital Asset Expansion:

Continue to broaden the scope of the FreedomForgeE Marketplace by integrating unique digital assets linked to real-world value, such as physical collectibles, real estate, and event experiences, bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds.

As The World, Markets, and Blockchains Evolve. So Do We!

LoveFreedomGains, FreedomForgeE, and AnXanVin

With Our NFT Marketplace Available on BSC Mainnet & testnet, and ETH Mainnet & Sepolia Testnet with SOL Chain Support being added and soon to be released. our First Web3 Game in Development and more to come in the future as our team expands

With the Marketplace Complete our team can now Fully Focus on AnXanVIn Development and hope to have the Alpha Version avialable to the few holders of the AnXanVin Staking Collection, and FreedomForgeE Staking Nft Collection.

AnXanVin Collection Will Consist of 4 Levels with 2024 total nfts to be minted ever. 1000 = Level 1, 600 = Level 2, 300 = Level 3, and 124 = Level 4 with rewards for each level and tokenomics to be determined before launch of the collection

Copyright © 2024 LoveFreedomGains