
Our Goal Is to build a Vast Ecosystem inluding, NFT Marketplace, NFT P2E Games, Staking NFT's to Earn LFGains Tokens, and The Real Gem, Its OWN EVM COMPATIBLE BLOCKCHAIN! with a bridge to all major EVM blockchains!

Image Description

Total Supply:202,442,000,000 LFGains

LP Locked for 1 year

afterwards we estimate our blockchain will be live and we can convert tokens 1:1 for the Utility coin of LFGains Chain. LoveFreedomGains Token will be the Usecase Token of the whole Ecosystem, with a Bridge all other EVM Blockchains coming shortly afterwards!

The Tokenomics are: 5% Buy Tax, and 5% Sell Tax with 1% Burn and 1% to LP to set and protect floor prices, and 3% Marketing. LP Locked for 1 year, and contract will be Renounced after launch!